Mythradon's REST-based JSON APIs offer comprehensive support for all CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations across both standard and custom entities. These APIs provide a robust and versatile foundation, enabling seamless interaction and manipulation of data within the Mythradon system. Whether you're working with standard entities or implementing custom structures, our APIs are designed to facilitate efficient management and integration, empowering users to harness the full potential of their data.
Mythradon operates as a single-page application, with the user interface relying on REST API to communicate with the server. All actions executed through the user interface can be replicated via API calls using your preferred programming language. To understand the API's functionality, you can trace network activities in your browser console.
The majority of API functions yield JSON responses. For POST and PUT requests, data is typically included in the payload in JSON format. When sending a JSON payload, be sure to include the header:
Content-Type: application/json
In Mythradon, the API path is: api/v1/
For example: https://[Your Mythradon Domain]/api/v1/Contact/65b1a5bc214084d35
will return data about a specific Contact record with the id of `65b1a5bc214084d35'.
Secure APIs with multiple
Authentication Options
Mythradon's APIs support two authentication methods:
Both authentication methods necessitate the establishment of an API User. This API User must be linked to a Role, enabling access to predefined scopes based on specified permissions.
API Key Authentication
The API Key Authentication method uses a system generated secret key used in the X-Api-Key
HMAC Authentication
The HMAC Authentication method employs a sophisticated X-Hmac-Authorization
header, structured as follows:
X-Hmac-Authorization: base64Encode(apiKey + ':' + hashHmacSha256(method + ' /' + uri , secretKey))
POST {entityType}
This REST API endpoint is used to create a new record of the specific entity type. The request to this endpoint is accomplished through a HTTP POST, with the payload taking the form of a valid JSON object corresponding to the specific entity. Upon successful creation of the record, the API will respond with an object containing the created attributes.
Content-Type: application/json
Example Request
POST https://[Your Mythradon Domain]/api/v1/Contact
JSON Request Payload
"firstName": "Tim",
"lastName": "Myers",
"title": "Director",
"description": null,
"emailAddress": "",
"phoneNumber": "0494 556 433",
"addressStreet": "123 Main Street",
"addressCity": "Cityville",
"addressState": "Stateville",
"addressCountry": "United States",
"addressPostalCode": "12345"
Example Response
"id": "65d6eb3094fd1c9ec",
"name": "Tim Myers",
"deleted": false,
"firstName": "Tim",
"lastName": "Myers",
"title": "Director",
"description": null,
"emailAddress": "",
"phoneNumber": "0494 556 433",
"doNotCall": false,
"addressStreet": "123 Main Street",
"addressCity": "Cityville",
"addressState": "Stateville",
"addressCountry": "United States",
"addressPostalCode": "12345",
"accountIsInactive": false,
"createdAt": "2024-02-22 06:35:28",
"modifiedAt": "2024-02-22 06:35:28",
"hasPortalUser": false,
"targetListIsOptedOut": false,
"emailAddressIsOptedOut": false,
"emailAddressIsInvalid": false,
"phoneNumberIsOptedOut": false,
"phoneNumberIsInvalid": false,
"emailAddressData": [
"emailAddress": "",
"lower": "",
"primary": true,
"optOut": false,
"invalid": false
"phoneNumberData": [
"phoneNumber": "0494 556 433",
"type": "Mobile",
"primary": true,
"optOut": false,
"invalid": false
"accountsIds": [],
"accountsNames": {},
"accountsColumns": {},
"createdById": "6090b0abe0164c845",
"teamsIds": [],
"teamsNames": {},
"isFollowed": false,
"followersIds": [],
"followersNames": {}
GET {entityType}
This REST API endpoint facilitates the retrieval of a list of records pertaining to the specified entity type. The request to this endpoint will return a JSON array of records associated with the chosen entity.
GET parameters:
Example Request
GET Account?offset=0&maxSize=20
Example Response
"total": 108,
"list": [
"id": "5f1fbda1153452261",
"name": "Enrico Fermi",
"salutationName": "Mr.",
"firstName": "Enrico",
"lastName": "Fermi",
"emailAddress": "",
"phoneNumber": "(905) 711-5681",
"middleName": null,
"emailAddressIsOptedOut": false,
"emailAddressIsInvalid": false,
"phoneNumberIsOptedOut": false,
"phoneNumberIsInvalid": false,
"accountId": "5f12aa9d3578f6a1a",
"accountName": "Baltik vairas",
"createdById": "1",
"assignedUserId": null
"id": "5f1fbda10449afb67",
"name": "Eric Jones",
"salutationName": "Mr.",
"firstName": "Eric",
"lastName": "Jones",
"emailAddress": "",
"phoneNumber": "0432 763 443",
"middleName": null,
"emailAddressIsOptedOut": false,
"emailAddressIsInvalid": false,
"phoneNumberIsOptedOut": false,
"phoneNumberIsInvalid": false,
"accountId": "5f12aa9d23080be0f",
"accountName": "Champion Cycle Company",
"createdById": "1",
"assignedUserId": null
"id": "5f1fbda131f597e94",
"name": "Ernest Rutherford",
"salutationName": "Mr.",
"firstName": "Ernest",
"lastName": "Rutherford",
"emailAddress": "",
"phoneNumber": "(325) 794-1414",
"middleName": null,
"emailAddressIsOptedOut": false,
"emailAddressIsInvalid": false,
"phoneNumberIsOptedOut": false,
"phoneNumberIsInvalid": false,
"accountId": "5f12aa9dabc661e5e",
"accountName": "Chicago Bicycle Company",
"createdById": "1",
"assignedUserId": null
"id": "5f1fbda10edd2dfa6",
"name": "Erwin Schroedinger",
"salutationName": "Mr.",
"firstName": "Erwin",
"lastName": "Schroedinger",
"emailAddress": "",
"phoneNumber": "(758) 822-8076",
"middleName": null,
"emailAddressIsOptedOut": false,
"emailAddressIsInvalid": false,
"phoneNumberIsOptedOut": false,
"phoneNumberIsInvalid": false,
"accountId": "5f12aa9d2f882395d",
"accountName": "Bike Friday",
"createdById": "1",
"assignedUserId": null
GET {entityType}/{id}
This REST API endpoint enables the retrieval of a singular record related to the specified entity type and ID value. Submitting a request to this endpoint will yield a JSON object encompassing all attributes of the specific entity accessible to the Role associated with the API Key.
Example Request
GET https://[Your Mythradon Domain]/api/v1/Contact/60752a6f0bcdc3178
Example Response
"id": "60752a6f0bcdc3178",
"name": "Kellie Myers",
"deleted": false,
"referenceNumberMyth": null,
"salutationName": "Ms.",
"firstName": "Kellie",
"lastName": "Myers",
"title": "Sale Manager",
"description": null,
"emailAddress": "",
"phoneNumber": "0498 456 321",
"doNotCall": false,
"addressStreet": null,
"addressCity": null,
"addressState": null,
"addressCountry": null,
"addressPostalCode": null,
"accountIsInactive": false,
"accountType": "Supplier",
"createdAt": "2021-04-13 05:21:51",
"modifiedAt": "2023-07-17 03:08:41",
"hasPortalUser": false,
"interestGroups": [
"BMX - Freestyle & Street",
"BMX - Old School",
"BMX - Race",
"leadscore": null,
"addressData": null,
"addressLatitude": 0,
"addressLongitude": 0,
"middleName": null,
"emailAddressIsOptedOut": false,
"emailAddressIsInvalid": false,
"phoneNumberIsOptedOut": false,
"phoneNumberIsInvalid": false,
"emailAddressData": [
"emailAddress": "",
"lower": "",
"primary": true,
"optOut": false,
"invalid": false
"phoneNumberData": [
"phoneNumber": "0498 456 321",
"type": "Mobile",
"primary": true,
"optOut": false,
"invalid": false
"accountId": "60752a6f01a0fb480",
"accountName": "BikeParts Pty Ltd",
"accountsIds": [
"accountsNames": {
"60752a6f01a0fb480": "BikeParts Pty Ltd"
"accountsColumns": {
"60752a6f01a0fb480": {
"role": "Sale Manager",
"isInactive": false
"campaignId": null,
"campaignName": null,
"createdById": "5f38a65ebc7af8b49",
"createdByName": "Peter McRae",
"modifiedById": "60d01f0e54b5cfdd4",
"modifiedByName": "Devon Krill",
"assignedUserId": "5f38a65ebc7af8b49",
"assignedUserName": "Peter McRae",
"teamsIds": [],
"teamsNames": {},
"portalUserId": null,
"portalUserName": null,
"originalLeadId": "6075293e4719a7fbe",
"originalLeadName": "Kellie Myers",
"isFollowed": false,
"followersIds": [
"followersNames": {
"5f38a65ebc7af8b49": "Peter McRae"
PUT {entityType}/{id}
This REST API endpoint facilitates the updating of values for a particular record within the specified entity type. The request to this endpoint is accomplished through a HTTP PUT, with the payload taking the form of a valid JSON object corresponding to the specific entity.
Content-Type: application/json
Example Request
PUT https://[Your Mythradon Domain]/api/v1/Contact/62eb6ff1e01d3cefd
JSON Request Payload
"title": "Project Manager",
"addressStreet": "29 Alderwood Street",
"addressCity": "South Yarra",
"addressState": "VIC",
"addressCountry": "Australia",
"addressPostalCode": "3456",
"description": "Abigail is a dedicated professional with a passion for innovation and teamwork."
Example Response
"id": "62eb6ff1e01d3cefd",
"name": "Abigail Greene",
"deleted": false,
"referenceNumberMyth": null,
"salutationName": "Mrs.",
"firstName": "Abigail",
"lastName": "Greene",
"title": "Project Manager",
"description": "Abigail is a dedicated professional with a passion for innovation and teamwork.",
"emailAddress": "",
"phoneNumber": null,
"doNotCall": false,
"addressStreet": "29 Alderwood Street",
"addressCity": "South Yarra",
"addressState": "VIC",
"addressCountry": "Australia",
"addressPostalCode": "3456",
"accountIsInactive": false,
"accountType": "Reseller",
"createdAt": "2022-08-04 07:06:25",
"modifiedAt": "2024-02-22 02:16:35",
"hasPortalUser": false,
"interestGroups": [
"BMX - Race",
"MTB - eBike",
"Road - Drop Bar"
"leadscore": null,
"addressData": null,
"addressLatitude": null,
"addressLongitude": null,
"middleName": null,
"emailAddressIsOptedOut": false,
"emailAddressIsInvalid": false,
"phoneNumberIsOptedOut": null,
"phoneNumberIsInvalid": null,
"accountId": "62eb6ff1d33dbff89",
"accountName": "Random Row Cycles",
"campaignId": "5f3920bfcbc913b7f",
"campaignName": "2020 Adventure Cycles Campaign",
"createdById": "5f1f7f6d177443239",
"createdByName": "Jim Malone",
"modifiedById": "6090b0abe0164c845",
"modifiedByName": "apiuser1",
"assignedUserId": "5f1f7f6d177443239",
"assignedUserName": "Jim Malone",
"portalUserId": null,
"portalUserName": null,
"originalLeadId": "5f39212b95e3a671a",
"originalLeadName": "Abigail Greene"
DELETE {entityType}/{id}
This REST API endpoint facilitates the deleting of a specific record within the specified entity type. The request to this endpoint is accomplished through a HTTP DELETE.
Example Request
DELETE https://[Your Mythradon Domain]/api/v1/Contact/62eb6ff1e01d3cefd
Example Response
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