; Mythradon's Email-to-Case functionality revolutionises customer support and issue resolution. By effortlessly transforming incoming emails into actionable support cases, this feature streamlines the entire workflow. Through automated categorisation, prioritisation, and assignment, it ensures swift and efficient resolution of customer inquiries, enhancing overall support efficiency.
Seamless support with Mythradon's


Mythradon's Email-to-Case feature is a game-changer for customer support and issue resolution. It seamlessly converts incoming emails into actionable support cases, streamlining the entire process. With automated categorisation, prioritisation, and assignment, it ensures that customer inquiries are efficiently addressed.

Information Section

At Mythradon, we understand the importance of efficient and streamlined customer support processes. That's why we've developed our cutting-edge Email-to-Case functionality as a fundamental part of the Mythradon Service platform. This feature revolutionises the way businesses manage and respond to customer inquiries, ensuring that no customer concern goes unnoticed and every case is handled with precision.

Key Benefits:

  • Seamless Communication: Mythradon's Email-to-Case functionality seamlessly converts incoming customer emails into manageable support cases. This eliminates the need for manual case creation, reducing human error and allowing your support team to focus on resolving issues rather than administrative tasks.

  • Smart Case Routing: Mythradon Service's Email-to-Case functionality employs intelligent categorisation and assignment algorithms. This feature automatically directs cases to the most suitable team or agent based on predefined criteria. By automating this triage process, it streamlines case management, ensuring quicker response times and efficient handling of customer inquiries.

  • Automated Acknowledgement Email: Employ an email template to generate the subject and body of an acknowledgement email. This email is automatically dispatched to the original source address of the received email, providing an immediate response and acknowledgement to the sender.

  • 360-Degree Customer View: With Email-to-Case, your support agents can access a comprehensive view of each customer's communication history. This holistic perspective empowers agents to provide personalised and informed assistance, enhancing customer satisfaction.

  • Efficient Collaboration: The functionality facilitates collaboration among your support teams. Agents can add internal notes, share insights, and communicate within the platform, ensuring that everyone is on the same page when resolving complex cases.

  • Automatic Email Linkage: Responding to an existing Case via email automatically links the customer's reply to the Case record. The email content seamlessly integrates into the Case Stream, facilitating easy tracking, and can be configured to trigger changes in the Case Status.

  • Time-Stamped Communication: Every interaction between customers and agents is automatically time-stamped and logged within the case. This feature enhances transparency, allowing you to keep track of response times and ensuring accountability.

  • Agent Anonymity: With Mythradon's Email-to-Case feature, agents can reply to customer emails using a Group Email From Address, safeguarding their standard email address from being disclosed to customers.

  • Customisable Workflows: Mythradon's Email to Case can be tailored to fit your unique business processes. You can define specific rules, escalations, and notifications to ensure that cases are managed according to your company's service standards.

  • Integration Capabilities: Seamlessly integrate Email to Case with other business tools and systems your team relies on. This fosters a connected environment where information flows freely, enabling more efficient support operations.

  • Linking of Knowledge Base Articles: Agents can link articles from the Knowledge Base

  • Seamless Accessibility via Portals: Cases generated through Email-to-Case are automatically accessible via the Customer or Partner Portal, ensuring effortless visibility for users.

How It Works:

  • Email Integration: Customer emails sent to your designated support address are automatically converted into either a new Case or appended to an existing Case within the Mythradon platform.

  • Acknowledgement Email: Mythradon will automatically send an acknowledgement email containing the unique Case number.

  • Case Creation: The system analyzes the content of the email, extracting key information such as subject, sender details, and message content.

  • Automated Categorisation: Mythradon's intelligent algorithms categorise the case based on predefined parameters, ensuring accurate routing.

  • Assignment: Cases are assigned to the most suitable support agent or team, taking into account workload, expertise, and availability.

  • Collaborative Resolution: Agents work collaboratively within the platform, leveraging the unified view of customer interactions to provide effective solutions.


Mythradon's Email-to-Case functionality empowers your business to deliver exceptional customer support by streamlining case management, automating processes, and enhancing agent efficiency. With its seamless integration into the Mythradon Service platform, you can elevate your customer service experience and build stronger, lasting relationships with your customers. Experience the future of customer support with Mythradon's Email-to-Case functionality.

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Mythradon Email-to-Case

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